HTCondor / ARC CE Workshop

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Feb 29, 2016 a 13:00 a
Mar 04, 2016 a 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
Sincrotrón ALBA
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The workshop, second one after the successful workshop at CERN in December 2014, is an opportunity for novice and experienced users of HTCondor to learn, get help and have exchanges between them and with the HTCondor and ARC developers and experts. It is primarily addressed at users from EMEA.

The workshop will consist of presentations, tutorials and "office hours" for consultancy. The HTCondor CE (Compute Element) as well as the ARC CE will be covered as well.

ALBA Synchrotron Light facility located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) act as the event host, with the additional help of Port d'Informació Científica (PIC) for event preparation/coordination. There is a fee of 80€ (VAT included) which covers the lunches and all coffee breaks along the event.

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