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2a Reunión Anual
Abr 21, 2015 a 09:00 a
Abr 24, 2015 a 18:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
En el campus de la UAB, con la colaboración del Sincrotrón ALBA
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EuCARD-2 is organizing this second Annual Meeting on 21 - 24 April 2015, hosted by the ALBA Synchrotron on the Campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

The meeting will review the status of accelerator R&D in Europe and will report the progress and activity of the EuCARD-2 work packages in fields as varied as high field magnets, advanced collimation materials, innovative radio-frequency technologies, novel accelerator concepts, accelerator applications, energy efficient accelerators, new accelerator designs, and paths to improving performance for existing accelerators.

The meeting is open to EuCARD-2 members, for whom the meeting fee is covered by the EuCARD-2 management. External and local participants willing to attend the meeting are invited to contact the meeting secretariat for information regarding conditions and fees.  

EuCARD-2 is co-funded by the partners and the European Commission under Capacities 7thFramework Programme, Grant Agreement 312453.

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