The Golden Age of Hold Materials used for New and Disruptive Applications

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Prof. Elvira Fortunato. Dep. de Ciência dos Materiais, CENIMAT/i3N, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and CEMOP/Uninova, Portugal
Abr 17, 2015
de 12:00 a 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
ICN2 Seminar Hall (UAB)
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In this presentation we will review some of the most promising new technologies based on oxide conductors, semiconductors, dielectrics as well as electrochromic devices either in the form of nano-films or nanoparticles, biosensors and we will summarize the major milestones already achieved with this emerging and very promising technology focused on the work developed in our laboratory.

By using these materials and technologies we are contributing to the evolution of environmentally conscious electronics that is able to add new electronic functionalities onto surfaces, which currently are not used in this manner.

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