Manuel Cardona Lectures: Nanoestructuras de Carbono para el Virus Ébola

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Prof. Nazario Martín. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Nov 04, 2016
de 12:00 a 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)
Sala de Seminarios ICN2 (UAB)
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We have shown that fullerene sugar balls, namely hexakis-adducts of [60]fullerene appended with 12, 24 or 36 mannose moieties, act as strong inhibitors for DC-SIGN in an Ebola infection assay model. Furthermore, a drastic increase in the inhibition process to the subnanomolar scale has been observed when the size and mannoses' number are increased in the new tridecafullerenes endowed with 120 mannose units decorating the periphery of the molecule.

In this presentation, the different nanocarbons platforms used for the multivalent presentation of carbohydrates for an artificial Ebola virus infection model will be discussed.

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